Electric wire Rope Hoist


Performance with dimensions

Electric wire rope hoists represent a totally new approach within the lifting equipment industry. An innovative mechanical configuration plus state-of-the-art speed control and motor technology have made the hoist the industry benchmark. Our hoists offer exceptional performance, easy load handling, superior safety, and favorable dimensions. For industrial cranes, solo hoist or monorail applications, or for upgrading existing hoisting equipment, Wire rope hoists offer the best return on your investment.

Benefits from standard features

1. Revolutionary Compact Design
2. Easy and Effective Load handling
3. Exceptional performance
4. Advantages for crane modernization and factory retrofit
5. Versatile models and features
6. Rigging of the load is more safe with the design of the hook forging

The Advantage

1. Most Competitively Priced Electric Wire Rope Hoists
2. Top-Quality, Heavy-Duty Wire Rope Hoists

Advantage Models Include

1. Capacities up to 1 – 30 Ton
2. Standard 23′ – 33′ lift
3. Control Voltage 110
4. Ultra-Low headroom configuration

Advantage Features Include

1. DC Disk motor brake
2. IP55 rated for outdoor use
3. Next generation rope guide
4. Heavy-duty fan cooled motors